Nuprl Lemma : grp_lt_trans 13,42

g:OCMon, abc:|g|. (a < b (b < c (a < c

Upgroups 1
Definitions of StatementMon, AbMon, gset, OMon, OCMon, goset, a < b
Definitionsx,yt(x;y), , x f y, OMon, t  T, x:AB(x), t.1, gset, POSet{i}, Mon, x(s1,s2), P & Q, AbMon, LOSet, goset, |p|, OCMon, a < b
Lemmasocmon wf, loset wf, grp le wf, assert wf, grp car wf, linorder wf, oset of ocmon wf, qoset lt trans
